About Me

Hello, I’m Joanna–eclectic decorator, writer, photographer and content creator.
I’m a mom of three–two girls and a boy–and I started this space as a parenting blogger over five years ago! I used to call myself a Lazy Mom–and now you can call me Joanna Anastasia.
I’m obsessed with all things interior design and by nature I’m driven towards eclectic spaces with a bit of vintage vibe.
I have a master’s degree in psychology, and I love reading and writing about all that’s human nature, behavior and culture.
I believe in mindful living, and I love sharing my ideas and tips!
Also, I’m a positive body image advocate, encouraging women to love themselves as they are!!
I’m passionate about beautiful and functional spaces, yummy food and photographing everyday moments!
Feel free to contact me via my contact page.
You can also find me on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter!