Easy home made borsch

Easy home made borsch

I’m a huge soup lover, and this easy home made borsch is definitely one of my favourites. This borsch is so full of flavour and texture, it’s so hearty, filling and healthy, that no wonder it’s my new family’s favourite soup ! I used to think that making borsch is a very complex and long…

Thin crust pizza hack

Thin crust pizza hack

I’m a huge pizza lover, and what I’m really in to is a real Italian style thin crust pizza! But as such, I’m usually disappointed with take out. And the frozen pizza? Well, I would lie if I’d say I never buy it, but we all know it’s not the real deal, not to mention…

Gruyere and broccoli soup

Gruyere and broccoli soup

[col2] I cook soups almost daily, since it’s the easiest way for me to serve vegetables during the cold moths. Usually my soups are really very healthy, but from time to time I crave simply a hot bowl of yumminess. And this gruyere and broccoli soup is just that: comforting and delicious, perfect for a…