How to have more energy while breastfeeding

nursing mom energy

While this is my third baby now, it’s also my third postpartum time and my third breastfeeding period – and let me tell you, it doesn’t really get easier! I mean, it gets less stressful and more predictable, but it’s still all very exhausting! Keeping up with bigger kids, working on my own projects and being an open milk bar 24/7 is definitely not for the weak! But I’m still smiling and full of energy – at least most days!

nursing mom energy


The trick? It’s all about good habits:

  1. Sleep when you can ( don’t stay up late, since baby will wake you up anyway!).
  2. Let go of the unimportant things ( like keeping up with laundry ) and just assume the chaos is a part of life now.
  3. Eat well ( try not to skip meals, eat wholesome and nutritious food) 
  4. And stay fueled with the right snacks!

And as a breastfeeding mom who works part time, and has my baby babysit once – twice a week, the best snack for me is the one that can help with my milk supply!

See, I discovered these oatmeal chocolate chip cookies: Munchkin Milkmakers Lactation Cookie Bites at Babies R Us Canada – that have all the right ingredients to keep us moms (remove apostrophe) fueled! They are packed with the tested and trusted milk supply boosters and whole ingredients and it doesn’t hurt that they taste really yummy too!

Disclosure – this post was brought to you by Babies R Us Canada, all opinions remain my own.

nursing mom energy

nursing mom energy

They are really very handy when I have my work meetings and I have to skip  a nursing session- they come in snack sized portions and are perfect on the go! And I find them even more useful at home, when I’m starving between meals ( hello breastfeeding appetite ) and need a quick pick me up to regain energy ( hello middle of the night wake ups!)

And while this breastfeeding mom thing doesn’t get easier, I wouldn’t have it any other way- all the baby smiles, the snuggles, and the amount of love a baby adds to home makes it all worth it! And when the breastfeeding is easy and the baby full and happy then mama life is so much easier too!

nursing mom energy

This post was brought to you by Babsie R Us, all opinions remain my own. 

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