This week of the ONE ROOM CHALLENGE we started by doing what most of people would do at the very end. We hang the gallery wall.

Not because I usually start by the very last thing, but because I’m still waiting or my wall mural to come, and for the furniture to be put together.

However, I won’t show you how it looks from close just now, since we still want to paint a thing or two, and that way add more contract to the gallery wall – so you’ll have to wait a little to see how it turned out!

But what I will share with you is the watercolour print I painted for Julien’s nursery – a rainbow. No, he is not a rainbow baby – though I love this metaphor and I hope that a rainbow baby mama will use this print at her own home!

I painted it simply because a rainbow it’s a sweet and whimsical image for a boys room, that fits perfectly well with a Forces of Nature theme I have going on :  the waves, the cloud print, the colours of sun and the sea- ok it’s a very loose theme but a rainbow fits!:)

baby boy eclectic nursery PART 2

baby boy eclectic nursery

you can upload it HERE

Stay tuned for next week when i’ll show you what pieces of furniture I painted and how!


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