Art with babies
I know you’ve been all waiting for some art with babies ideas, right? For sure I was very impatient to introduce my baby Rose to painting and sculpting :)! But much less egar to deel with the mess that comes with it. So I came up with three art activities that are perfect for a baby and for a lazy tired mom!
First imagine this : a no-mess-painting activity! Sound like a dream, right?
What you’ll need :
A zip bag
Baby seated at a high chair.
So, if you’ll lock all the paint in the zip bag, and if you’ll tape this zip bag on to a table, then I guarantee that there will be no mess at all! And your baby will get to play and explore colour mixing! While keeping their hands clean! How convenient ;)!
Now, I thought that my one year old is too young for play dough. I was scared that she would eat it and then get sick. But if you’ll buy the non toxic,eco-kids Dough then it’s all good (although I still make sure that she’s not eating it). And it turned out that she really loves playing with it!
As you see I prepare her a bunch of play dough balls, and then she’s happy with segregating, squeezing and changing their shape.
Another genius idea is edible baby paint! Yes, they can paint with it, massage their hair with it and then eat it. Just like all real artist do, right 😉 ?
What you’ll need :
Thick Greek yoghurt
Food colouring
Mix yoghurt with food colouring, tape a piece of paper to the table wher your baby is seated, and let them explore the art of hand painting!
And at what age did you start introducing your kids to art? How did it go?
I thank you,for Sharing your Ideas, I intend to use them very soon. So I guess I can buy the yogurt ar any grocery store, or just flavored yogurt