Perfect rhubarb sponge cake

Rhubarb sponge cake

This old fashioned rhubarb cake is incredibly moist, fluffy and spongy! It has perfect balance of flavoured and is truly addictive.

It’s my mothers old recipe (it also works great with strawberries or prunes), a polish summer classic. I know, it dosnt look fancy, but it is my favourite cake ever.

And the rhubarb. How cool is rhubarb? These huge leaves that look like umbrellas! We should all grow rhubarb! Seriusly, if you have kids, and a bit of extra backyard space, you need to plant rhubarb! It’s the easiest, nofuss plant to grow, and recolting it is so much fun.


You know these calm and happy moments, when you look at your kids and you think: this. This is what I want to remember when I’m 80. This is the moment. The rhubarb-recolting-fun-moment.

Grow rhubarb.

[bctt tweet=”How cool is rhubarb? These huge leaves that look like umbrellas! “]


Cake instructions :

Rhubarb sponge cake

And coming back to my old school, perfect rhubarb sponge cake, here is what you’ll need:

3 rhubarb sticks

4 eggs
1 cup sugar

4 tablespoons canola oil
1 1/2 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder

Cut off rhubarb leaves ( don’t eat them!). Mix eggs with sugar, then add oil, then flour and baking powder. Add rhubarb cut in small cubes. Bake for 40 min on 360F.

Rhubarb sponge cake

Let it cool. You can dust it with icing sugar ( it looks prettier!).

Rhubarb sponge cake

Do you have a favourite family recipe with rhubarb? What is it?

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  1. I didn’t realize rhubarb has such huge leaves. They’d look lovely in a flower vase (since we can’t eat them, right?)

    Love how few ingredients your sponge cake has. I cannot wait to try it. xo

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