Super moist & really easy banana bread
Here is the thing : I was searching for a perfect and easy banana bread reipie for ever!
I lost hope. And then, I tried this. And even though I had only one banana on hand, it turned out perfect! This easy banana bread is comforting, moist inside and crunchy outside, a truly perfect weekend dessert! Of course , you can add chocolate chips or nuts. I like it simple, but if you feel like it, go for it :).
Lili helped me with all the mixing and banana mashing. Actually she really enjoyed the mashing. Now I think that whenever she’s bored I’ll just give her a banana to mash, cause seriously, she was so calm and concentrated that eating a mashed banana might be worth it ;).
What you’ll need :
1/2 cup butter
1 big ripe banana
1 tea spoon vanilla essence
1/3 cup milk
2 eggs
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 1/3 teaspoon baking powder
2 cups flour
Mash your banana ( or let your kid do it), add melted butter, vanilla, milk and eggs. Mix it all until really smooth. Add the dry ingredients. Mix and bake on 350F for around 40 minutes.
I hope you’ll like this easy banana bread ! And now my family is begging me to make some more..