Are you ready for having kids?
It’s funny how life changes, right? I mean, when I look at what my life is now, and what it was before I had kids, it’s like two different stories. Sure, I’ve moved far away from where I grew up, so obviously my life is different. But all of you who are having kids, you know, that it is “life-changing” in so many ways.
And it’s funny how my old friends, that I’ve met back in high school or at the university, are always surprised to see me now, as a SAHM, married with two kids. You see, back in the days I was a bit of a party animal… I used to love the nightlife, parties, travelling and meeting new people. Oh, the joys of youth! 😉
Funny how we change. And how our values do too. What we believe in, and the importance we give to our beliefs shapes pretty much our vision of happiness. If we live a life that reflects our values then we can pretty much call ourself happy and fulfilled.
So I was asking myself this question, what changed in my life, that I became ready for kids, and happy as a SAHM ? Which of my values and beliefs changed? What beliefs are opposites to a life with kids?
So here is what I’ve came up with. I believe that the way you feel about these 5 values, shows pretty much if you are ready for kids or not.
Feel free to disagree :).
1. Independence.
In our society it is seen as one of the most valuable assets. But if you think that your independence is the most important thing in your life, then maybe you should wait a bit before having kids. Because having kids means loosing your independence. All of the sudden there is this little creature totally dependent on you. If you nurse, you can’t leave it for more than 2 hours. No more spontaneous get togethers with friends. If you want to travel with an infant better start planning now. And pregnant and postpartum, you’ll need as much help and support as your grandma. Are you ready for that?
2. Romantic vision of relationship.
Pop culture is all about romantic love, the one where nobody and nothing exists except for the couple in love. The one that moves the mountains, the one that is stronger then death, the one forever and for always! This romantic image of the relationship in which you are the most important creature for your partner and vice versa. Well guess what, having kids means that it’s not only the two of you on this romantic island called love and passion. There is someone else, tiny and dependent, who steals all the attention, sometimes even all the cuddles. Are you ready for that change? If not, maybe having kids it not for you.
3. Planning.
This one is tricky. If you are a planning freak then maybe you shouldn’t have kids. You might get frustrated. Because, you may very well prepare your birth plan, baby activities that you’ll attend, and your family dream vacations, but it may all turn out totally different than you planned. Kids have there own temperament and character, and they don’t stick to your schedule.
But if you are a free spirit who never ever plans, then maybe think twice before having kids. It’s not advisable to run out of diapers/ milk in the middle of the night… Are you ready to start planning your groceries, laundry and nap time?
4. Body image.
We are bombarded with perfect bodies by the media. As a society we tend to believe that as a women we need to be sexy. I’m sorry to break your bubble here, but heavy pregnant, with swollen ankles, crazy back pain and gases is not sexy. Postpartum with leaking breasts, swollen lady parts and mummy tummy it’s neither. If you are very attached to your body image and you feel like you need to stay sexy, then maybe wait before having kids.
5. Responsibility.
Before kids you are responsible for yourself. Maybe a cat or a dog. You can leave your pet to the neighbour and go spent all your money for a last minute trekking trip in Peruvian Andes. If you decide to have kids you need to be responsible. Ready?
Having kids is a life-changing, value-changing, lifestyle-changing decision. And the one that I never regret. What do you think? I’d love to know your opinion! 🙂
Ok, now I’m scared!
I hope that when I’ll share why it’s actually great having kids it’ll cheer you up ! 🙂
Perfect, Joanna!!!!!
Thank you Lisandra ! You are so kind 🙂
Truth! Love your honesty and insight. 😀
Thank you 🙂
Yes, my independence flew right out of the window. 100% worth it though.
I totally agree, 100% worth it !
I used to be quite the party animal also ;). That’s why I had my first child at 35, that and the fact that I was waiting for Mr. Right!!! Great post, all of it is right on. I do have to say that it takes a bit of time to feel sexy after having kids, but not to worry it will come back!!!!
Thank you Caroline ! I did feel sexy for around 3 months and then I got pregnant again LOL 🙂
I think if someone is totally a neat freak should reconsider too…lol. I used to hyperventilate when I came home to a messy house. I learned to let things go though and now I can live the mess that the kids make 🙂 Thanks for sharing on Merry Monday.