Salted Carmel Mocha
I’m a born homemaker and a huge coffee lover. Whenever I move in to a new place, before even everything is unpacked, I hang art on the walls and I light candles so the space would smell like home. And, as a WAHM, making our house a home is even more important to me then ever before: spending so much time at home is only worth it, if you really love your home (for me, at least.)
So when Allison from HouseBox contacted me asking if I’d like to try their new subscription homemaking box, I got really exited.
Among lovely scented organic dryer sheets, peppermint essential oil, nontoxic delicate wash, and heirloom dish washing liquid, there were these lovely paper straws (and I’m a sucker for pretty straws!) and amazing organic coffee. These last two have really grabbed my attention, because for a while now I wanted to upgrade my coffee game a little bit.. So this here inspired me to try this home made Salted Carmel Mocha Coffee. Served with a pretty straw obviously!
Here’s what you need:
Good quality mild coffee
Salted Carmel sauce
Instant hot chocolate mix
Brew you coffee. It can be a double espresso with extra shot of hot water, or a nice big mug of filter coffee. You choose. Add 2 teaspoons of hot chocolate mix, top it with foamed milk (or whipped cream, if you prefer, I won’t judge you, you know that!) and salted Carmel sauce! And don’t forget about a pretty straw.
But I need to be honest with you. Some of the samples where really small. So I contacted Allison, and she told me that it won’t happen again, and that next box is supposed to be bigger, and the samples are getting much larger. So that’s great news, if you’d like to subscribe, and get bimonthly new homemaking products directly go your doorstep, like I might be doing now! And I think that it also makes for a great gift : practical surprise every month for around 20$? Yes please!
So, do you like subscription boxes? Which are your favourite?
Disclosure : I received this product free for review, all opinions remain my own.