Ten differences between first and third pregnancy- that you didn’t know about.
If you don’t follow me yet on Instagram then you probably don’t know that I’m currently pregnant with our third child, and that my girls Lili and Rose will have a baby sibling in late June! And since I’m more than half way through this pregnancy, I thought I’d share with you all the differences that have striked me between my first pregnancy 6 years ago and this one now.
First time around:
- You count your weeks and days.
- You’re subscribed to three different websites that track your pregnancy week by week and you google your pregnancy symptoms to see if what’s happening to you is normal (every day).
- You make a detailed birth plan. You talk about your birth plan. You print it out and give to your partner and health care provider. You compare it with your friends plans.
- You always have lots of questions to your obyg /midwife. You never skip a check up. You ask for more ultrasounds!
- You think you’re “huge” at 20 weeks.
- You have a really big baby registry with lot’s of trendy must haves. ( that you won’t use for the most part after..).
- You have a list of things that you’ll never do as a parent. It’s long. You’re sure of your decisions. You think there’s one good way to raise kids. Your way.
- You count every pound you gain and you notice all of your stretch marks. You wander in how long you’ll fit in your tiny bikini. You buy new bikinis for after the baby is born.
- You think that you’ll sleep better after the baby is born – you are so uncomfortable now and you never slept so badly in your entire life!
- You are really stressed about giving birth and becoming a mother, even if you hide it well and tell everyone how relaxed you feel.
Third time around:
- You never know how many weeks you are now. You know when you’ll give birth and that’s good enough.
- You don’t track your pregnancy and you barely notice your symptoms. You know they’ll pass soon anyway. You might be even more uncomfortable than in your previous pregnancies, but you’re more zen about it now then you where before.
- You don’t make a birth plan- you know now that it’s not something you can really plan ( other than probably where you’ll give birth and probably with who around, and probably in what way. Probably. Maybe. Who knows how it’ll go.)
- You don’t ask any questions during check ups and you forget about every other appointment. You know all the weird symptoms are normal so you don’t even talk about them.
- You know how huge you’ll get by the end, but you know it’ll pass too.
- You don’t do a baby registry. You just need to find that baby carrier in the basement and remember who borrowed your baby tub. You might get a couple new baby pjs and you’re good.
- You know that you already did everything you thought you never would as a parent. You laugh at your old list.
- You don’t know how much you gained weight and you couldn’t care less about stretch marks. You don’t own any bikinis anymore. But you know now that you’ll wear these maternity pants for a year after giving birth.
- You cherish the uncomfortable pregnancy sleep as you know it’ll only get worse after the baby comes.
- You don’t have time to be stressed. You’re a mother for a while now, there’s not much that can still surprise you. But you can’t wait to have another cheeky baby to kiss!
And if you have been there more than three times, then I’d love to know what have striked you the most during your 4th, 5th or 10th pregnancy! One thing is sure, the heart really grows with each baby!
And are you going to stick with girls?
The second time:
1. You roughly know your weeks.
2. You thought you knew how it is to be pregnant and it’s completely different. So many new symptoms.
3. This time you know what to do better and where not to go for the birth. (And you will be proven wrong again. It’s never working out the way you thought.)
4. You still remember them, but now you’re company is much much younger.
5. You’re not disappointed anymore, when someone doesn’t instantly realizes you’re pregnant. Most of the time you forget it yourself because your busy running after Nr. 1.
6. You know still got everything and you don’t need to worry at all. ( Till Mini is born and you realize you should have sorted your chaos pre birth.)
7. You’re way more tolerant already, but whatever you still think about parenting, you will get proven wrong many more times.
8. Weight gain? The only time you step on a scale is when you’re at the doc.
9. Sleep? All night? Maybe in the future when the kids moved out.
10. Stress – with Nr. 1 who is freaking out what anew family member means for his/her life.
So accurate!!
Thank you! No, this time it’s a boy!
LOL, this is soo true, even for a 2nd pregnancy (and my last! How do moms manage three kids? They must be super heros!). 🙂