Apple & peach chunky compote
Every year, as soon as the days start feeling as bit chillier and the fall starts peaking inn, we go apple picking with the family! And every year we end up with way too many apples! So this year, I decided to make something more than just a cake, something that I could pop in the fridge, something easy to make and of course delicious. I had some peaches on hand too, so here’s what I came up with: Chunky Apple and peach compote. With a subtile hint of vanilla, and a little bit of texture it’s the perfect accompaniment to your morning toast. And it;s even more amazing paired with some vanilla yoghurt and granola. Because mornings are just so much better when they start with an Apple and Peach comte parfait!
Here”s all you need:
- 5 big apples
- 4 large peaches
- 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
- 3 table spoons brown sugar
Cut all the fruits in small cubes. Place them in a medium pan, add vanilla essence, brown sugar, and give it a stir. Cook over medium heat, occasionally steering doer around 10 minutes. Then turn down the heat, and cook for around 20 minutes on low heat.
Let it cool, and place in a closed container. You can keep it for up to two weeks in the fridge. Try it over fresh bread with butter or over a raisin brad toast! It’s so delicious!
Or you can make a parfait! Because nothing say’s “have a great day” better than Parfait! And coffee of course, let’s not forget about coffee!
Apple & peach compote parfait:
- 2 cups of apple and peach chunky compote
- 1 1/2 cup of vanilla joghurt
- 1 1/3 cup of granola ( you can use a store-bought one, or try my easy recipe for a chocolate granola, or this pumpkin one from my friend Kris)
Pour a bit of apple and peach compote in to glasses, add yoghurt, granola, and top it with some more compote!
So next time you’re going apple picking, and it seems like you have way too many apples, don’t worry, grab some peaches and make this apple and peach chunky compote instead!