Feeling better from the inside out
“Our bodies are our gardens to which our wills are gardeners.”
― William Shakespeare
Centuries have passed and this quote is as accurate as ever before! And in our busy modern lifestyle, being a gardener to our inner garden is one of our biggest daily challenges!
Because while we try to take care of our body and our mind, it’s never really easy to find time for self-care. We may try to exercise and eat healthy, moisture our skin, and nourish our soul. But none of that will really work in our benefit if we forget about our inner garden: our gut and it’s unique bacterial flora. With the processed food surrounding us and with our sterile environment, there’s less and less good bacteria in our diet and in everyday life. And newest research shows that the right bacteria can help us with our digestive health, boost our immunity, our skin, and even mood!
So while each of us has its own highly diverse ecosystem – the intestinal flora – most of us don’t know that we have less diversity in it then we should! And that in order to flourish it needs a balanced biodiversity!
So even though I’m still figuring out the balance of self-care while caring for my crazy little family, I did make some changes that help me feel better. I drink more water starting from the morning. I take try to slow down a bit, and go outside daily. And I start everyday with my probiotic!
And I chose Advanced Gut Health Probiotic 15 billion CFU daily care because they have the highest strain count, targeted delivery and their shelf stable blister pack ( meaning that they don’t need to be refrigerated!) . Also, the friendly bacteria that are in these advanced health probiotic don’t simply add 15 bacterium for the short period of time: they actually allow other depending on them bacteria to flourish! Plus, they are non-gmo, gluten-free, vegan and soy free, so basically everyone can take them!
So now, even when my mornings are always busy and my kids seem to always want something from me (like another chocolate chip muffin, a different color of a cup or a batch of home-made play-dough before breakfast! ) I try to remember about my body and my self-care too. So I teach them to drink water with me, and I take my Advanced Gut Health Probiotic.
If you’d like to try them too, and start to feel better from the inside out, you can find them in your local health food retailer and here online . I’m sure your inner garden will thank you!
Disclaimer: This post was brought to you by Genuine Health, all opinions remain my own.